Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Seeing Blue

Thank you so much! I LOVE hearing about your Oliver Kelly days. Please take me with you again one day! Secret agent and kitten cuddling sounds like so much fun. Sorry to hear about the kitchen mess. At least we have a clean floor now. I just had a strange experience. I'm at Sagamihara which is both a plant site (they make 3M tape for Japan) and the big research and development site. We got here and my coworker, Kumakura-san, excused himself. He came back in a blue uniformthat looks sort of like a surgeon's outfit. Same color, very plain. He had changed into his uniform. Then when I went into the room to give my presentation - everyone was dressed the same. (Thus the definition of uniform - I know that.) My brain knew this is what I could expect, but seeing it was just really weird. They are the same suits down to the shoes and the laces. The only person not in uniform, besides myself, is a manager. Gotta run. Back to work.

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