Friday, October 5, 2007

Stress anyone?

Stress. Yep - it found me today. We're not talking the little stress, we're talking monster STRESS! Originally I was going to have everything ready so I could take today off and spend it with the family. Things changed throughout the week and I realized I needed to work my butt off today to get some stuff done. Well, that didn't happen either. This morning I got online (from home) and my email system on my 3M laptop completely crashed. After working all morning with the helpline I ended up going into the office so they could get me working again before I left on my trip. This is such an essential component - I would be in dire straights if I couldn't get my work email during all this. We're still working on agendas for the second half of my trip! I'd be completely out of communication with everyone I'm meeting over there. So by 3:30 today we finally had it all running. My day was shot. So, my presentations aren't done, I don't have all my agendas, and I still have to pack. Hmmmm.... Side note: I did make it a priority to take Sydney to her horseback riding lessons before I went to the office. She's doing weave poles and barrels now - and going against the clock. She's working with her horse, Klass, and she's getting pretty good. He's a great horse. She's becoming firmer with him and he's listening to her - they're a great team. That's all. See you in Japan.

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